Technical Papers

Our library of technical papers gives you access to innovative research by Synopsys Optical and Photonic Solutions experts to help you learn and achieve success with your own projects.

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Rodgers, et al.

"Comparison of polarization aberrations from existing mirror coatings for coronagraphic imaging of habitable worlds," J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst. 11(1) 015002 (29 January 2025).


Chalony, Melvin, et al.

"Modeling tools for use of displacement Talbot lithography for high volume AR waveguide manufacturing," Proc. SPIE PC12913, Optical Architectures for Displays and Sensing in Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality (AR, VR, MR) V, PC129130R (13 March 2024).

Chalony, Melvin, Zhou, et al.

"Metalens response to process variation," Proc. SPIE 13216, Photomask Technology 2024, 132161F (12 November 2024).

Hu, et al.

Waveguide AR system optimization with 2D surface relief grating,” Proc. SPIE 13237, Optical Design and Testing XIV, 1323706 (27 November 2024).

Park, Lee, Stone, Ding, et al.

"Simulation of Meta Vortex Retarders in a Ray-Tracing and a Wave-Based Metalens Design Software," 2024 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), Incheon, Korea, Republic of, 2024.


 "Lens design over the last 25 years: a look back," Proc. SPIE PC13131, Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XXV, PC1313107 (2 October 2024).



"Recent Advances in Tolerancing Illumination Optics," IODC, June 2023.

Chalony, Xu, Viasnoff, et al.

"Optical and manufacturing design aware flow for metalenses," Proc. SPIE 12741, Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, and Manufacturing Technologies for Security and Defence, 1274105 (17 October 2023).

Chalony, Viasnoff, Herrmann, Stoffer, et al.

"Computational patterning and process variation impact on photonics devices," Proc. SPIE 12499, Advanced Etch Technology and Process Integration for Nanopatterning XII, 124990A (1 May 2023).

Cheng et al.

 "Automatic control method for freeform surface shapes," Opt. Express 31, 29019-29036 (2023).

Ding, Hu

"Ultra-wide angle metalens design with ray-based and wave-based tools," Proc. SPIE 12765, Optical Design and Testing XIII, 127650D (28 November 2023);

Ding, Stone

"Validation of a ray-based tool for metalens design and analysis", Proc. SPIE 12798, International Optical Design Conference 2023, 1279807 (26 October 2023).

Ding, Stone, Bahl, Heller, Scarmozzino

"Hybrid refractive-metalens design for imaging applications," Proc. SPIE 12666, Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XXIV, 1266605 (2 October 2023).


"Moving Beyond the Drawing Notation of IOS 10110," IODC, June 2023.

Rodgers et al.

"Optical and opto-mechanical design of spectrometers for PRIMA," Proc. SPIE 12676, UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes and Instruments: Innovative Technologies and Concepts XI, 126760C (24 October 2023)

Rodgers et al.

"Optical and opto-mechanical design of the PRIMA telescope," Proc. SPIE 12676, UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes and Instruments: Innovative Technologies and Concepts XI, 126760B (24 October 2023).

Rogers, Zollers, Herman

"Characterizing finely structured ghost images using physical optics propagation methods," Proc. SPIE 12798, International Optical Design Conference 2023, 127982E (14 September 2023).

Schiesser, Takaki, Crowther, Rogers

"The importance of lens mounting details in passive athermalization: a design example," Proc. SPIE 12798, International Optical Design Conference 2023, 127982K (14 September 2023).

Sparrold, Takaki, Schiesser, Rogers

"Refractive objective design for femtosecond laser application," Proc. SPIE 12798, International Optical Design Conference 2023, 127981I (14 September 2023).

Takaki, Herman

"The Continued Importance of the Abbe Sine Condition," IODC, June 2023.
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Takaki, Herman, Papa

"Leveraging confocality and Cartesian reflectors in freeform optical designs," Proc. SPIE 12798, International Optical Design Conference 2023, 1279817 (14 September 2023).

Xu, Heller, Bos, Scarmozzino, Bahl, Hu, Achuthan

"Fully automated inverse design solution for metalenses/metasurfaces," Proc. SPIE 12428, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering X, 1242802 (8 March 2023).

Viasnoff, Cooper, Paulin, Michiels

Computational Imaging Craves System-Level Design and Simulation Tools to Leverage Disruptive AI in Embedded Vision,” March 2023.

Zollers et al.

"Designing freeform luminaire optics for additive manufacturing: lessons learned," Proc. SPIE 12670, 3D Printing for Lighting, 1267005 (29 September 2023)

Zollers, Magarill, et al.

"Toward a fully-automated luminaire design and manufacturing solution utilizing freeform optics and additive manufacturing," Proc. SPIE 12670, 3D Printing for Lighting, 1267007 (29 September 2023).


Bos, Scarmozzino, Bahl, Heller, Xu

"A Design Automation and Simulation Flow for Lens Systems Containing Multiple Metasurfaces," Meta Conference, July 2022.

Cheng D.; Wang Y., et al.

"Design, stray light analysis, and fabrication of a compact head-mounted display using freeform prisms," Opt. Express 30, 36931-36948 (2022)


"Designing more efficient automotive light guide luminaires," SPIE Optics + Photonics, August 2022.

Herman, Aikens

"Using ISO environmental standards in an ISO 10110 format drawing," SPIE Optics + Photonics, August 2022.

Muschaweck and Rehn

Designing Illumination Optics,” 2022

Rodgers, et al.

Next-generation active telescope for space astronomy,” Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, Vol. 8, Issue 4, 044005 (December 2022).

Shadalou, Gurganus, Cassarly, Davies, Suleski

"Design, fabrication, and characterization of a tunable LED-based illuminator using refractive freeform arrays," Opt. Express 30, 42749-42761 (2022)


"How to Design and Simulate Metalenses Quickly and Easily," Chenglin Xu, September 2022.

Zhou, et al.

"Optical design and simulation for waveguide AR glasses," Photonics Asia, November 2022.


Cassarly, et al.

"IODC 2021 Illumination Design Problem: The Curse of Prince Lambert," in OSA Optical Design and Fabrication 2021 (Flat Optics, Freeform, IODC, OFT), F. Capasso, W. Chen, P. Dainese, J. Fan, J. DeGroote Nelson, F. Duerr, J. Rogers, J. Rolland, P. Clark, R. Pfisterer, H. Rehn, S. Thibault, M. Jenkins, D. Wook Kim, and N. Trela-McDonald, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper 120781Z.

Cassarly; Fang

“Compound Surface Descriptions in Illumination Design.” OSA Optical Design and Fabrication Congress/International Optical Design Conference, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper 1207812, June 2021;

Cassarly; Lin

"Modeling interference using Monte Carlo ray trace." Proc. SPIE 11874, Illumination Optics VI, 118740A (13 September 2021);

Crowther; Rogers; Rodgers; et al.

"Optical Design of the Mastcam-Z Lenses." OSA Optical Design and Fabrication Congress/International Optical Design Conference, June 2021.


"Optimizing efficiency and appearance of the light distribution in automotive light guide luminaires," Proc. SPIE 11874, Illumination Optics VI, 1187404 (12 September 2021).

Kim, Cassarly, Rolland

"Connecting tolerancing of freeform surface deformation in illumination optics with the Laplacian magic mirror," Opt. Express 29, 40559-40571 (2021)


Angularly Offset Aspheres – a Powerful Construct for Freeform Imaging Design.” OSA Optical Design and Fabrication Congress/International Optical Design Conference, June 2021.

Rodgers; et al.

"The Galaxy Evolution Probe," J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst. 7(3), 034004 (2021), doi: 10.1117/1.JATIS.7.3.034004.


“Lens design through the ages” Plenary paper, SPIE Optical Systems Design, 2021 Proc. SPIE 11871, Optical Design and Engineering VIII; 1187104 (2021);


“Surface Slope Error Tolerances: Applicable Range of Spatial Frequencies.” OSA Optical Design and Fabrication Congress/International Optical Design Conference, June 2021;


“Surface slope tolerances: the transition from geometric raytracing to scalar wave theory” Invited paper, Proc. SPIE 11813, Tribute to James C. Wyant: The Extraordinaire in Optical Metrology and Optics Education; 118130Q (2021);

Schiesser; Takaki; Stone

“Representations of Off-Axis Conics for Lens Design.” Proc. SPIE 12078, International Optical Design Conference 2021, 120781F (19 November 2021);

Shadalou, Cassarly, Sukeski

"Tunable LED-based Illuminator Using Freeform Arrays," in OSA Optical Design and Fabrication 2021 (Flat Optics, Freeform, IODC, OFT), F. Capasso, W. Chen, P. Dainese, J. Fan, J. DeGroote Nelson, F. Duerr, J. Rogers, J. Rolland, P. Clark, R. Pfisterer, H. Rehn, S. Thibault, M. Jenkins, D. Wook Kim, and N. Trela-McDonald, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper 120780I.

Shadalou, Cassarly, Sukeski

"Tunable illumination for LED-based systems using refractive freeform arrays," Opt. Express 29, 35755-35764 (2021).

Takaki; et al.

"Aberration-based design example for freeform optical designs with base off-axis conics," Proc. SPIE 12078, International Optical Design Conference 2021, 120781M (19 November 2021);


Crowther, Sasian, Hoffman

"Enhancements and applications of induced aberration theory.” Proc. SPIE 11479, Roland V. Shack Memorial Session: A Celebration of One of the Great Teachers of Optical Aberration Theory, August 2020.

Ghillino, Patel, Mena; et al.

Machine learning assisted abstraction of photonic integrated circuits in fully disaggregated transparent optical networks.” 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2020.

Ghillino; et al.

S-shaped waveguide-induced asymmetry between counter-propagating modes in a racetrack resonator.” International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 2020.

Gregory; et al.

"Review of the initiatives in education and training tailored to industry needs over ten years of the SPIE Optics Education and Outreach Conference", Proc. SPIE 11480, Optics Education and Outreach VI, August 2020.

Novak, Jacobsen

Single Surface Freeform for Automobile Head-Up Display with Windshield Combiner”. 8th International Forum on Automotive Lighting, China, June 2020.

Rodgers; et al.

“ATSA: a cold, active telescope for Space Astronomy.” Proc. SPIE 11443, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, December 2020.

Rogers, Rakich

"Aberration theory-based approaches to optical design." SPIE Proceedings Volume 11548, Optical Design and Testing X; 115480M, October 2020.

Rogers, Rakich

"A Maxwellian 'ideal imager' optical relay suitable for AO applications." SPIE Proceedings Volume 11451, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation IV; 114514J, December 2020.

Rogers, Rakich

"A generalized Offner relay with an accessible pupil." SPIE Proceedings Volume 11451, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation IV; 114510B, December 2020.

Rogers, Rakich

"The importance of Petzval correction in generalized Offner designs." Proc. SPIE 11482, Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XXI, August 2020.

Rogers “Tolerance eigenmodes of optical systems.” Proc. SPIE 11488, Optical System Alignment, Tolerancing, and Verification XIII, August 2020.
Schmid; et al. "Roland V. Shack’s discovery of nodal aberration theory, the expansion into the aberrations of freeform optics, and impact in optical design." Proc. SPIE 11479, Roland V. Shack Memorial Session: A Celebration of One of the Great Teachers of Optical Aberration Theory, August 2020.
Stone "Practical considerations for GRIN raytracing with commercial software." Proc. SPIE 11484, Optical Modeling and Performance Predictions XI, August 2020.


Calabro, K; Zollers, M.

“Effects of individual particulates in optical systems using a spatially isolated contamination scattering method." Proc. of SPIE 11105, Novel Optical Systems, Methods, and Applications XXII, 1110509 (September 9, 2019).


"Interplay of Freeform Tailoring and Tolerancing," in Optical Design and Fabrication 2019 (Freeform, OFT), OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2019), paper FT1B.1.

Rizzo, Dai, Meng, London, Patel; et al.

“Ultra-low power consumption silicon photonic link design analysis in the AIM PDK.” SPIE OPTO, Proceedings Volume 10924, Optical Interconnects XIX, 2019.

Rodgers, M.; Tang, Hong; Creager, B.; et al.

"The WFIRST Coronagraph Instrument Phase B Optical Design," SPIE Annual Meeting, 2019.

Rodgers, M.; Redding, D; et al.

"Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx) starshade-only architectures, " SPIE Annual Meeting, 2019.

Zhou, Y.; Bhardwaj, A.; Mason, J.; et al.

"Electronic/Photonic Design Automation (EPDA) for InP-Photonic Integrated Circuit Process Design Kit," in OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (AP) 2019 (IPR, Networks, NOMA, SPPCom, PVLED), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper IM3A.3.


Bahl, Heller, Scarmozzino, et al.
“Non-Monochromatic 3D Optical Simulation of HgCdTe Focal Plane Arrays”, Journal of Electronic Materials, June 18, 2018
Crowther, Blake et al.
"OCAMS: The OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite." Space Science Review (2018) 214:26, January/February 2018.
Ghillino, et al.
“The Synopsys Software Environment to Design and Simulate Photonic Integrated Circuits: A Case Study for 400G Transmission”, ICTON, 2018.
Rodgers, et al.
"The Galaxy Evolution Probe: A concept for a mid and far-infrared space observatory", Proc. SPIE. 10698, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018.
Rodgers, et al.
“Architecture for space-based exoplanet spectroscopy in the mid-infrared”, Proc. SPIE 10698, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 106980L (6 July 2018).
Rodgers, et al.
"HabEx Lite: a Starshade-only Habitable Exoplanet Imager Alternative", Proc. SPIE 10698, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 106980X (6 July 2018).
Rogers, et al.
"An optically athermalized lens covering a 200-degree temperature range", International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO), 2018.
Zhao, Thompson, et al. "Experimental investigation in nodal aberration theory (NAT) with a customized RitcheyChrétien system: third-order coma," Optics Express 8729, Vol. 26, No. 7, April 2018.
Zollers, Gregory "Statistical variation of color uniformity for solid-state illumination systems", Proc. SPIE 10746, Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XXI; 107460G, 2018.


Bahl, Heller, Cassarly, Scarmozzino "Accounting for coherent effects in the ray-tracing of LEDs with interface gratings via mixed-level simulation," Opt. Eng. 55(1), January 2016.
Bahl, Heller, Cassarly, Scarmozzino, et al. "Mixed-level simulation of opto-electronic devices," 2016 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), Sydney, NSW, 2016, pp. 101-102.
Cassarly "Design of Efficient Illumination Systems." SPIE Photonics West 2016. Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA. 14 February 2016. Illumination Design Course.
Irving, Hasenauer, Mulder "Multi-tool design and analysis of an automotive HUD", Proc. SPIE 10021, Optical Design and Testing VII, 100210F (October 31, 2016).
Mena, et al. "Encircled Angular Flux Representation of the Modal Power Distribution and Its Behavior in a Step Index Multimode Fiber," Journal of Lightwave Technology, Feb. 1, 2016.
Ragnow "Virtual Light Sources - Efficient Design Options for Automotive Lighting," International Forum on Automotive Lighting (IFAL) 2016, Shanghai, China, June 2016.
Stone, et al. "Low-Order Aberration Coefficients Applied to Design of Telescopes with Freeform Surfaces," International Conference on Space Optics 2016, Biarritz, France, October 2016.
Thompson, et al. "Volumetric rendering and metrology of spherical gradient refractive index lens imaged by angular scan optical coherence tomography system." Optics Express, Vol. 24, Issue 17, pp. 19388-19404.
Thompson, Rodgers, et al. "Validation of the corrective optics on the Hubble Space Telescope 1st Servicing Mission," J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst. 2(3), 034001 (2016), doi: 10.1117/1.JATIS.2.3.034001.