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Billions of devices are being connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), while the number of attacks on these devices is increasing rapidly. If data is considered the currency of the IoT, that currency has value only if the data comes from a trustworthy source and is untampered. As such, data integrity has a direct impact on business and infrastructure. We need to look at embedded microcontrollers (MCU), the orchestrating components in all these devices, to reduce the number of attacks. MCUs need to ensure security for IoT data at rest and in motion and protect the IP that operates the device. But how can an MCU vendor create a scalable security solution under extreme price pressure in a market? MCU vendors can differentiate in a competitive market with a fit-for-purpose security solution.
Strong security functions are needed on every device to protect the IoT from its enormous attack threat. Functions such as authentication, secure boot, IP protection, secure communication, and software updates are needed to protect devices. However, IoT devices have considerable constraints. Chips need to be small in size, operate at high speed with low power consumption, and cost effective. How can strong security be deployed under these constraints?
Authentication and security start with an unclonable device identity. All security functions require cryptographic keys derived from this identity, making the identity the root of all security. The keys authenticate the device and its data and encrypt data at rest and in transit.
How do the identity and keys get on a device’s MCU, and how are they stored securely? Through Synopsys' SRAM PUF technology. SRAM PUFs create an unclonable, device-unique key from tiny variations in silicon. This key is never stored and cannot be copied. It is immutable and invisible to attackers, creating an unparalleled trust anchor.
SRAM PUF keys are the basis for IoT security:
Synopsys provides its SRAM PUF solutions both as IP and as software for embedding in an MCU or integrating into its firmware. The solution has a small footprint and, most importantly, a cost amenable to profitable scaling of the IoT. Algorithms for symmetric and public key cryptography are included and compliant with NIST specifications. SRAM PUFs scale over all popular fabs and process nodes, and SRAM is universally available in all MCUs.
SRAM PUFs offer the best-in-class combination of high security, low cost, and high flexibility: