Synopsys 1.6T Ethernet PCS IP

The Synopsys 1.6T Ethernet PCS IP is based on the concepts of the evolving draft IEEE 802.3dj standard creating a flexible system solution for next generation 400Gbps and 800Gbps and 1.6Tbps Ethernet applications. It operates over 16 serial lanes of 106.25Gbps for 1.6T. The additional specific Physical Media Attachment (PMA) layer transparently multiplexes two lanes to support >=212.5Gbps SerDes lanes.

The 1.6T Ethernet PCS IP seamlessly interoperates with Synopsys 1.6T Ethernet MAC IP and Synopsys 224G Ethernet PHY IP to provide a complete Ethernet MAC, PCS and PHY solution for 1.6T systems. The Synopsys 1.6T PCS sublayer couples the 802.3 MAC to a family of 1.6Tbps Physical Layers.

Synopsys 1.6T Ethernet PCS IP


  • Supports all required features of the IEEE 802.3 specification and draft specifications
  • IP available in single 1.6T mode and quad channel mode supporting 4 x 400G, 2 x 800G and 1.6T
  • Designed to be used with Synopsys 1.6T MAC IP for 1.6T Ethernet Systems
  • Includes RS-FEC functions
  • Integration tested with the 1.6T Ethernet
  • MAC and 224G Ethernet PHY IP
  • The PMA service interface per lane operates with a transfer rate of 106.25Gbps per lane
  • The PCS Client Interface implements a 1600GMII conceptually identical to the 200GMII/400GMII of 802.3 Clause 119
  • The PCS implements Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (RS-FEC). The RS-FEC implements the RS(544,514) as defined in IEEE 802.3 using codeword interleaving
  • The RS-FEC supports external statistics collection by providing a statistics vector which provides information for codewords, corrected codewords, uncorrected codewords as well as individual symbols corrected per codeword if corrections occurred. Option to integrate RS-FEC Statistics module
  • Pseudo-random test-pattern generator and checker for transmiter and receiver testing
  • Fault detection capable of indicating faults that render a link unreliable (loss of synchronization or excessive bit errors)
  • Generic host interface allowing direct access to all configuration and status registers
  • Multi-channel support with support for 4 * 400G (802.3 Clause 119) and 2 * 800G (Draft 802.3df) and 1.6T (Draft 802.3dj)
  • Optional single channel 1.6T PCS.