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gRPC Test Suite Data Sheet
Test Suite:
gRPC Test Suite

The gRPC (gRPC Remote Procedure Calls) is a RPC protocol built on top of HTTP/2 transport. The main use case for gRPC is to provide a cross-platform framework for building communication between network nodes. gRPC uses Protobuf as the interface definition language. The gRPC Test Suite can be used for testing robustness of server applications using gRPC as communication method and also gRPC server implementations.

Used specifications

Protocol Buffers Version 3 Language Specification
Protocol Buffers Version 2 Language Specification

Tool-specific information

Supported features
gRPC Wizard

A tool for building test sequences for gRPC Test Suite from Protobuf specifications.

gRPC Transport

Supports TLS Authentication, gRPC streaming.

Test tool general features
  • Fully automated black-box negative testing
  • Ready-made test cases
  • Written in Java(tm)
  • GUI command line remote interface modes
  • Instrumentation (health-check) capability
  • Support and maintenance
  • Comprehensive user documentation
  • Results reporting and analysis