LucidShape Enewsletter

September 2018

New Features in LucidShape CAA V5 Based Version 2018.09

We are pleased to announce that LucidShape CAA V5 Based 2018.09 is now available with the following major new features.

Surface Sensor Added for Analyzing Illuminance/Irradiance on Curved Surfaces

In a variety of optical engineering applications, illuminance/irradiance must be evaluated on curved surfaces for an accurate and efficient analysis of the optical model. In LucidShape CAA V5 Based version 2018.09, we introduce such an analysis capability with the surface sensor, which allows you to:

  • Analyze the illuminance/irradiance distribution as a false color map directly in the LucidShape CAA part design view
  • Adjust parameters for the legend that define the scale and color mapping
  • Optionally assign an actor material to it
  • Interactively measure the value at a specific location of the surface sensor by hovering your cursor over 
  • Export the simulation result data to an ASCII file for additional analysis in external analysis software if desired


Optional Fixed Random Seed Support for GPUTrace Simulations

The fixed random seed capability has been extended to support simulations that run using the GPUTrace™ option, which are performed on the graphics processing unit (GPU).


GPUTrace Support for Ray History Sensors

The ray history sensor functionality has been extended to include GPUTrace simulations. 


Enhancements to the Light Guide Design Module

The following enhancements were made to the Light Guide Design Module:

  • Multiple light guides allowed in a part
  • Preview added for Bézier curve 
  • Bin Information Listing supports pasting values into multiple cells
  • Usability improvement and extension for the Optimization Controls tab
  • Extended support for symmetric light guides
  • Option added to turn off selection of bin in model
  • Surface Sensor option added to conformal exit surface
  • Extension of the optimization routine to save optimization states and to create design tables automatically
  • Warning is displayed if renaming option is not set as required


Number of Sessions per Computer Increased for Floating License Users

In previous releases, it has been possible to launch multiple sessions of LucidShape CAA on the same computer, but each session checked out an additional license from the license server. In this release, the number of allowed sessions per computer for a single floating license has been increased from 1 to 3. As a result, each user can run up to 3 sessions concurrently per computer using a single floating license.

Software and License File Instructions

Direct-Sales Customers

Software and license key files for LucidShape direct-sales customers are available on the Synopsys SolvNet website.

  • License key: You will need version 2018.09 license keys for this LucidShape CAA V5 Based release. You can download license keys from the SmartKeys page on SolvNet at

  • To learn more about navigating SolvNet to obtain software and license keys, view our SolvNet overview video.

Distributor Customers

For customers working with distributors, you will continue to obtain your software and license keys from your local LucidShape software distributor. See the Synopsys Optical Solutions Group Global Contacts page for contact information. If your country is not listed on the Distributors page referenced above, please contact us at for instructions. 

For More Information

If you have any questions about LucidShape CAA V5 Based version 2018.09, please contact


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