CODE V Enewsletter

October 2017

SpecBuilder: User-Defined Specifications and a Cover Plate Clearance Specification

You can use the CODE V SpecBuilder and SpecEvaluator to track your system performance in a tabular format to ensure that your designs are meeting performance goals. There are numerous supplied performance specifications in various categories, such as:

  • System Parameters (Effective Focal Length, Field of View, etc.)
  • Performance (RMS Wavefront error, As-Built MTF, etc.)
  • Mechanical (Lens Aspect Ratios, Image Clearance, etc.)
  • CODE V Model Attributes (Number of Zooms, System Units, etc.)

There are also specifications supplied on the Customer Support Portal in the CODE V Macros from Technical Support section that you can use. The current specifications include:

If you need a specification that is not already available, you can create a User-Defined Specification. User-Defined Specifications are entered directly in the SpecBuilder window using Macro-PLUS commands, or loaded via a sequence file (.seq). At the end of the commands, you’ll include the STV command and up to two numeric parameters.

For example, consider a system where the last element before the image is a cover plate, such as the CODE V sample microscope lens, microscp.len, shown here:

CODE V sample microscope lens

You may wish to specify the distance or clearance between the element before the cover plate, and the cover plate itself. 

code v lens cover plate

There is a supplied Image Clearance specification that checks the clearance between the last physical surface and the image surface. In this case, the Image Clearance is from the back of the cover plate to the image surface. We can create a User-Defined Specification to check the clearance between two other surfaces by evaluating the minimum of the center thickness and the edge thickness of the last lens surface before the front of the cover plate (in this case, surface 15). Here’s what the specification might look like:

Code V User-Defined Specification

In the case of the sample microscope lens supplied with CODE V, the Cover Plate Clearance is 0.5066mm.

CODE V, the Cover Plate Clearance

In this case, the User-defined specification returned a single value. It’s also possible to return two numbers, typically representing the minimum and maximum values.

We are expanding our list of specifications continuously, so if there’s a specification that you use frequently and would like to see added to the catalog of specifications, let us know by sending an e-mail to!

CODE V Glass Catalog Updates Available for Download

Updates to the CODE V material database, including the Hoya, Ohara and Sumita optical glass catalogs, are now available for download from Download links and installation instructions can be found on this page. For information about glasses affected by this update, refer to the history of CODE V glass database changes on our website.

Please note that the glass catalog files are not compatible with CODE V version 11.0 or earlier.