library IEEE,DWARE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use DWARE.DWpackages.all; use DWARE.DW_Foundation_comp_arith.all; entity DW_fp_recip_inst is generic ( inst_sig_width : POSITIVE := 23; inst_exp_width : POSITIVE := 8; inst_ieee_compliance : INTEGER := 0; inst_faithful_round : INTEGER := 0 ); port ( inst_a : in std_logic_vector(inst_sig_width+inst_exp_width downto 0); inst_rnd : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); z_inst : out std_logic_vector(inst_sig_width+inst_exp_width downto 0); status_inst : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end DW_fp_recip_inst; architecture inst of DW_fp_recip_inst is begin -- Instance of DW_fp_recip U1 : DW_fp_recip generic map ( sig_width => inst_sig_width, exp_width => inst_exp_width, ieee_compliance => inst_ieee_compliance, faithful_round => inst_faithful_round ) port map ( a => inst_a, rnd => inst_rnd, z => z_inst, status => status_inst ); end inst;